Welcome to Upstate SC
Located at the heart of the booming Charlotte-Atlanta corridor, Upstate South Carolina is a 10-county region anchored by Greenville and Spartanburg.
11,000+ job postings per month on average. 576 international companies. 730 miles of bike trails. 219 days of sunshine each year. 152 food trucks. These numbers—and so much more—add up to a one-of-a-kind region.
Some call it the most charming corner of the country—others call it the best kept secret in the South. We hope you’ll just call it home. So, what do you say—are you up for it?

Upstate SC
Discover our diverse communities, natural landscapes and access to major metros on our interactive map.
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Search for JobsMeet the Upstarters
Prior to moving to Greenville, I had only visited a few times before. After my first trip here, I knew it would be a great place to land.
Jehan WillsSenior Marketing Manager, McMillan Pazdan Smith
I love South Carolina, and I love Spartanburg because it is a hub to everything. It is booming with recreational and cultural activities that make it a great place to raise a family and have a successful career, all while giving you a sense of belonging in a larger community.
Lakessa WrightSenior Sales Executive, Milliken & Company
The Northeast was a hustle all the time. What I really like about the Upstate is that there are better opportunities here to make an impact in the local community. It’s small enough to actually effect change, and to get involved.
Michael JudiceArchitect, McMillan Pazdan Smith
It blows my mind when I think about what I’ve been able to work up to within six years. As long as you give back to a company that’s investing in you, you’re going to keep moving up.
Allison MoranBranch Manager, ECS Limited
We left New York City in a full-blown snow storm and just a few hours later we were sitting outside in downtown Greenville, eating burgers and watching people walk by in light jackets. It was a no-brainer.
Erald SinoCommercial Banker, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
The Upstate is a thriving area with a lot of energetic people who are conscious about health and wellness, who are dedicated to staying in shape and living full, healthy lives while making a difference in their communities.
Kevin KesslerDirector of Facilities Planning and Industrial Engineering, FujiFilm
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A picture is worth a thousand words – and we’ve got some awesome ones. Explore our Instagram to see what it’s like to live in Upstate SC.